Get to know: The Goodness of Quinoa

chamomile roots

Hello everyone! I’ve written an informative and easy to read article about this little super seed featured on Learn about all the good stuff that quinoa has to offer. Start introducing it to your diet and reap its benefits through preparing and eating nutritious, delicious foods! Naturally gluten-free, quinoa provides a delicious alternative for gluten-sensitive individuals so you don’t have to miss out on taste.

P.S. I’ve also included a recipe for these Rich Carob Quinoa Cakes with Peppermint Frosting. You can’t tell they’re made with quinoa at all. They’re easy to whip up and absolutely addictive. In a good way. There will be more quinoa recipes featured on Chamomile Roots in the near future. Load up on nutrition and let’s not leave flavor behind!

chamomile roots

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